Learners could join together the furthest step they have reached on each path, and annotate it with the date, to show a series of pentagons growing outwards tracking their progress over time.Then every time they feel that they have worked towards improving their capabilities in a particular strand, they could colour in another section. Learners could award themselves a baseline score for each strand (perhaps up to a maximum of 2 or 3), and colour in those sections. problem solving reasoning and proving reflecting connecting communicating representing selecting tools and strategies.Learners could reflect on their mathematical profile after working on a task, and colour in sections of the path to capture a snapshot of their profile for that task. A Reflection Calculator is an online calculator that is used to solve your Euclidean space problems involving point inversions.There are lots of ways this tool could be used in the classroom. A sheet which includes the diagram and descriptions of the five aspects.A sheet with space to write reflections on each of the five aspects.We have created some sheets for you to print off and use with your learners: In other words, they have to earn it I recently figured out a way to turn the reward system into a tool for student self-reflection. What Is Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The diagram below can be used for learners to reflect on their mathematical progress as suggested in the article Maths at Home - Nurturing Successful Mathematicians. Exploration Click on one of the figures from the left column to place it on the drawing surface. Geometry Solutions: Design and Play Mini-Golf - Students use the tools and angle concepts learned in the lesson to first solve the holes for teacher-provided mini-golf course holes.